Organizing your Adventures

Everything in here is to help you plan your own adventures, from the initial idea, to the point you close the door on your house and step into the unknown. We think that everyone has the ability to create adventures, and these articles are here to help you get you ready to go.

Robert Luff Robert Luff

Equipment Selection: Bonus Tips

More things to think about when selecting kit, for some points it’s just a bit more to think about, but there’s also a few bonus pieces of information that might help you too.

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Robert Luff Robert Luff

Equipment Selection Process: What Kit Should I Buy?

So you think you may need a piece of equipment. Here are a few questions to help you make your selections. Robert used to use these questions when working in the outdoor retail industry to help customers successfully navigate the sometimes bewildering array of options.

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Robert Luff Robert Luff

I would love to go on a trip like that, how did you manage it?

After returning from our NFCT (Northern Forest Canoe Trail) trip the phrase we have heard the most has been “I would love to go on a trip like that” and our response has been “well you could do” then we get a stream of “reasons” why they have not. In some instances we have questioned some of these “reasons” and found that it is possible to overcome most, if not all of them. In this article we will highlight some of the common “reasons” given and how we overcame them.

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